


Accommodations at Collin College for Equal Support Services (ACCESS)



Email:    access@charlesdarwinenglish.com 
Phone:   972.881.5898




Frisco Campus  
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday
8 a.m.-7 p.m. Tuesday
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday

8 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday
8 a.m.-5 p.m. 周二至周四
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday 


8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday & Tuesday
8 a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesday
8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Thursday
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday
Wylie Campus
8 a.m.-5 p.m. 星期一至星期三
8 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursday
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday & Tuesday
8 a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesday
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday


We want to partner with you to provide an exceptional educational experience. The ACCESS (Accommodations at Collin College for Equal Support Services) Office provides 支持消除障碍. 我们提供各种平等机会的服务 适用于符合条件的残疾学生. 你必须先被2022世界杯买球盘口录取 您申请服务. 

If you need accommodations for any part of the Collin College admission and assessment 流程,请与我们联系.  

*The college safeguards against discrimination by offering specialized services and reasonable accommodations to qualified students with a disability in compliance with 科林大学理事会的政策, The Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and 《2022世界杯买球盘口》.




     1) Complete 2022世界杯买球盘口入学申请.
     2)获得College Wide ID (CWID) Collin email 申请ACCESS服务前.
     3) Plan early. Complete an 访问应用程序 越快越好,因为这个过程可能需要两周的时间. 


*Classroom accommodations can differ from TSI accommodations, please email access@charlesdarwinenglish.com for assistance. 


If you do not know which documentation to provide, please see the following 残疾证明表格


After you submit your application you may receive messages from you assigned advisor 要求提供具体的文件. 最常见的是,我们发现一个完整的个人评估 (FIE) from high school, a 504 Plan, or a report from a licensed practitioner provide 给我们提供最有用的信息. 如果您没有提供 test scores, specific functional limitations and the need for specific accommodations, 你可以让你的执业医师填写我们的 残疾证明表格.


Once all appropriate documents have been obtained, your ACCESS advisor will contact 你在用@collin.Edu邮箱)来安排招生会议. 在摄入过程中 meeting, you and your ACCESS advisor will discuss what brings you to our office and 倾听你的担忧. ACCESS顾问将询问有关您的残疾的问题 学习方式. The two of you can identify what barriers you face and what accommodation options can help minimize those barriers to ensure equal opportunity at Collin College.


Accommodations at the college level may differ from the accommodations you received in high school. Click here for more information about the differences between high school and college accommodations. 


Dual Credit students may be eligible to receive services similar to those given in high school. They should follow the same process to request services as all other 2022世界杯买球盘口学生. 有关更多信息,请参阅 双学分2022世界杯买球盘口 



        -When extended time is warranted, the minimum and most common extension granted 2022世界杯买球盘口的学费是1.5倍.  2022世界杯买球盘口适当延长时间的决定 will be made on a case-by-case basis, keeping in mind such factors as the specific disability involved, other accommodations being provided, the type of test being administered, and the appropriateness of the accommodation to Collin College's academic environment.


          Note: Collin College will not extend unlimited time to a student nor will it otherwise modify its examination policies in a manner which fundamentally or substantially lowers the essential academic standards of the institution, its departments, or any course it offers.


2024年春季开始, students who can have their testing accommodations met in the Testing Center, will be directed to schedule their exams in the general Testing Center on their respective campus. If a student feels they have extenuating circumstances that would make them eligible to test in the ACCESS Office, they will need to speak to their ACCESS Advisor for assistance. 








         - The ACCESS Office allows qualified students to check-out assistive technology (devices and services that help individuals with disabilities) on a semester-by-semester basis. We also provide a list of assistive technology resources available to all students upon request. 了解更多世界杯买球盘口的辅助技术选项. 


         - The ACCESS Office provides qualified students with interpreting services for all classes and Collin related events both in person and online. 我们所有的口译员 是州或国家认证的吗. 你可以通过填写一份 表格或透过您的ACCESS AIM门户网站: http://rainier.accessiblelearning.com/Collin/CustomRequest.aspx
         - The ACCESS Office provides qualified students with captioning services for all classes and Collin related events both in person and online. 你可以要求 a captionist by filling out the form here or through your ACCESS AIM Portal:   


         - The ACCESS Office provides qualified students with a variety of services and devices. 所提供的辅助技术示例可在此查看


The 德州成功倡议评估(TSI) is a program designed to determine if a student is ready for college-level course work in the general areas of ELAR (English 语言艺术和阅读)和数学. 这个程序也将有助于确定哪种类型 of course or intervention will best meet the student's needs and to assist in becoming 为大学水平的课程做更好的准备.



If you think you may need accommodations to complete this assessment, please contact access@charlesdarwinenglish.com


Have a special request or attending a Collin College event as a non-student and need services? 请通过access@collin与我们联系.Edu或(972)881-5898.


Collin College and the ACCESS Office have a wealth of valuable resources that are 免费提供给你. 了解更多有关这些宝贵世界杯买球盘口的信息.


The ACCESS Office strives to partner with faculty to provide support, tools, trainings, and techniques that they can apply in their classrooms when working with ALL of their students.




Accommodations related to testing should be included in all online classes and for 任何在线定时评估. 然而,所需的住宿类型可能有所不同 从传统测试环境中所需要的. 一些测试设施 are not always needed in Canvas or online testing platforms, while other accommodations 保持必要的. 我们鼓励学生和教师进行对话 discuss how the accommodations may be implemented in an online setting. Please reach 向ACCESS办公室寻求帮助.



  • Extended Time
  • 频繁的休息
  • 考试的计算器
  • 在线考试阅卷服务
  • 在线抄写住宿
  • Online testing using Interpreter and CART/Captioning Accommodations.




ACCESS collects required paperwork for deaf/blind tuition exemptions.  
The exemption is not an accommodation, and it does not apply to all courses. 
For more information about the deaf/blind tuition exemption, click here